Thursday, January 28, 2016

Natural Remedies for Constipation in Children

Constipation is one of the most common and most miserable childhood problems.  If a child has a difficult time staying dry through the night, it is highly likely that the child is constipated.  Two of my children have dealt with constipation.  My second child went through a stage where she needed to avoid dairy and gluten in order to heal her gut.  Anytime she ate one of those foods, she would get constipated.  Through an elimination diet, chiropractic care, and probiotics, we were able to heal her gut and now she can eat whatever she wants.   My 4th child, on the other hand, is a stubborn toddler who does not have a food sensitivity.  She became prone to constipation during potty training.  She simply does not like to have a bowel movement and will stubbornly hold it until it is very painful.  She is incredibly strong willed and this has become a major health problem for her.  One pediatrician recommended that I give her a half of a chocolate Ex-lax and another recommended Mirolax.  No thank you!  Those options can destroy the digestive system and cause health problems in the long run.  I did my own research and found several more gentle, natural options that have helped my daughter.

1.  Mommy's Bliss Constipation Ease -- this is a very gentle, natural medicine that my toddler actually loves to take.  It has no stimulant but gentle herbs and prune juice to make a bowel movement easier as well as prebiotics.  We use this more than anything else and I give it to her at the first sign that she is getting constipated.

2.  EZ Move Constipation Support Herbal Organic Remedy from Trilight Health. -- this one is more expensive but works well and my daughter loves the taste also.  I kind of take turns with these first two so she is receiving different herbs to help her.

3.  Slippery Elm bark -- This soothes and lubricates her digestive system so her bowel movements are easier and it has many valuable minerals in it as well.  I get this in a capsule that I can open and pour into anything I think she will eat.  Usually I add it to her applesauce or tea.  This is something I give to her on a regular basis as often as I can.  It has no negative side effects or stimulants and is completely natural.

4. LB Extract -- This one is much stronger and I only use it if she is really miserable and only until things get going easily again.  But it is natural and really works!

5.  Epsom salt bath -- I know it sounds simple, but nearly every time my child is constipated and I give her a bath with Epsom salts, within minutes she is jumping out to go potty.  The magnesium plus the feeling of water seems to stimulate her immediately.

6.  Raw Apple Cider Vinegar -- This is hard to stomach on it's own, but adding ACV to juice or tea can really help to keep someone regular.  I make a tea by pouring boiling water over ginger (also good for digestion!) and lemon and then adding raw honey and some ACV to it after it cools slightly.  It really helps my daughter.  I also sometimes add it to my diluted Kombucha and my daughter will drink it.

7.  Avoiding dairy and processed foods with white flour.  My daughter is not allergic to these foods, but they simply stop up the digestive system.  My daughter's constipation always flares up when traveling because I am not as careful about what she eats.  She can eat as much of my homemade bread (made from freshly ground spelt berrries and soaked for better digestion) as she likes without any problem.  But every time she goes to church and eats goldfish or crackers or other processed food, I have to give her some of the above remedies or she will have a major problem
 for the next week.  Too much dairy makes a huge noticeable difference as well.

8.  Baby food prunes mixed in with unsweetened applesauce -- When my daughter first had problems with constipation, I gave her lots of prunes to keep things moving.  But she quickly grew tired of them.  I finally thought of adding the pureed prunes to her applesauce, which she loves!  I also add in Slippery Elm bark powder and probiotics,  She loves it!

9. Chiropractic care -- we can't afford to take her as often as I would like, but nearly every time we do, she comes home and has a bowel movement.  It really makes a difference to be properly aligned!

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