Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Our Summer Technology Rules

I know that this topic can be controversial, but we have decided that technology should not take up a lot of time in our family.  The girls get plenty of exposure at school and elsewhere, and we would simply rather spend time together doing more profitable things.  We have old phones and one tablet, but they are always on airplane mode (not connected to the internet except when I download stories)  and are used only to listen to audiobooks at rest-time or bedtime.  My 10 and 12 year old have recently been asking to play games on my computer like they see friends doing at school, so I have given them each 15 minutes on Saturday and only if all their chores have been done cheerfully on time each day the previous week.  We are generally busy doing family things on Saturdays, anyways, so they probably are only able to do it about once a month and the only games they play are Oregon Trail and Solitaire and a music game called Quaver.  However, now that they have more free time during the summer, they have been asking to use my computer more often to request library books and type stories or plays they write together or recipes that they love.  I honestly don't mind that type of use on the computer, but I still find importance in reducing any type of screen time because of the cumulative effect and the simple fact that I would rather they be interacting with the family. To avoid the constant requests, I wrote out the following rules for my three oldest girls for the summer and it has been a lot of fun to see them complete them.  In addition, the younger sisters have really benefited from them!  Last year the 7-year old sister actually thanked me for the rules because she really enjoyed all the extra interaction and help from her two big sisters!  My girls are avid readers so I didn't put reading a chapter book for 20 minutes on the list.  However, I did put that they should read 3 picture books on the list because they rarely read those anymore.  Picture books are so succinct that the authors usually use very precise and particular grammar that is often more valuable for them to read than the chapter books that they will choose read for hours.

I thought I would also share two links on the topic that I have really enjoyed lately.  The first is an article Entitled "Twelve Tips for Parenting in the Digital Age" and the second is part of a three-part podcast series (and I highly recommend all three parts!) called "Possessions, Entertainment, and Friends."

Computer Rules
Computer time only if:
1.Done chore of the day with happy heart and Mama inspects and checks it off
2.Done math page and journal page for day
3.Dressed/ teeth/ hair
4.Done devotions and prayer journal
5.Read 3 picture books Mama requested at the library
6.Played outside at least 20 minutes
7.Made/ built/ colored something creative or artistic for at least 20 minutes
8.Practiced chord of the week for 10 min
9.Done soccer drill of the week for 10 min
10.Played a game or done a puzzle
11.Helped someone in family
12.Read to a younger sibling for at least ten minutes