Friday, January 29, 2016

Honey-Ginger-Lemon-ACV-Elderberry tea for Great Health!

Several days a week I make this tea and I really enjoy it!  I started with just lemon and ginger and raw honey because I read how it could help a sore throat.  Then I realized that it made my raw apple cider vinegar much more tolerable and I began adding that (because ACV is truly one of the the most beneficial things you can drink but boy, does it have a strong taste!)  Then my Mom gave me an awesome berry tea for Christmas that contained elderberries and I thought to add those to the mix.  And now I have a super healthy drink that I love! It is so simple to make also!

1.  Set water in teapot to boil
2.  Cut a slice of lemon and place in mug
3.  Cut a slice of fresh ginger and add to mug
4. Place some dried elderberries in a re-usable muslin tea-bag and add to mug
5.  Pour boiling water over lemon, ginger, and elderberries
6.  After cooling a bit, add raw honey and as much apple cider vinegar as you can handle.

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