Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Family Laundry Hamper

I was talking with my awesome sister-in-law over Christmas about home organization... she also has four children so she understands how very difficult it is to keep on top of laundry, dishes, and everything else :)  I mentioned that I feel like I unnecessarily wash a lot of clean clothes because when I tell my girls to clean their rooms, they find it easier to throw everything that is on the floor into their laundry basket rather than putting it where it belongs.  I also have a "wear your pajamas at least 3 times before washing" rule but I'm pretty sure that mostly clean pajamas get thrown in the laundry hamper as well.  Way too much laundry!  (Yes, there is a heart-issue of laziness that we are definitely working on, but in the meantime, I am far too busy to sort through their laundry to guess at clean clothes.)  My sister in law suggested that I remove their hamper and require the girls to take their dirty clothes to the bathroom laundry hamper.  We have done this for over a month now and it has helped so much!  My laundry has diminished since I am no longer washing clean clothes along with the dirty clothes of 6 people and their rooms are cleaner because they used to "miss" the hamper and leave clothes on the ground.  But with no hamper in the room, both issues were resolved!  Such a little change but it made a big difference!

*update -- this is still a great help for my younger children, but my girls ages 6 and older now do their own laundry by themselves so they have their own laundry hamper.

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