Thursday, January 28, 2010

Some ideas for fighting the flu and other viruses naturally

Whew! I think we are all finally better! So glad the flu is gone from our house! When I called my holistic care doctor to get some ideas for how to beat the flu, she gave me several suggestions that I thought I'd share with you. I couldn't try them all out because I didn't have all the ingredients on hand, but I plan to stock up for next time! So here are five tips she gave me for fighting a virus (which seems to be a lot harder than an infection!)

1. Mix together two TBS apple cider vinegar with about 1/8 tsp baking soda. Drink it after it stops fizzing. Take 3 times a day.

2. Make ginger root tea -- boil water, pour over fresh ginger root and let steep like you would any other tea.

3. Make a ginger root spritzer -- extra probiotics! Let the ginger root tea ferment on the counter with whey and honey. (Sorry; she didn't give me proportions so I'll have to experiment and get back with you :)

4. Natural pain reliever -- instead of taking Tylenol which keeps your body from fighting the virus naturally, try these pills instead that not only help relieve pain but encourage your body's own immune system to fight back stronger! If you don't have all of these, just take whichever ones you have and it will still help: 1 capsule each of turmeric, ginger, and bosweilla, and two capsules of cayenne pepper.

5. Collodial Silver -- a mouthful every few hours web you are miserable!

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